How You Clean According To Your Zodiac Sign

7 min readJan 15, 2019


You figure out life according to your zodiac sign, but what do the heavens say about your cleaning habits? Is your obsession with dusting a side effect of your Virgo Sun, and tendency to shove dirty laundry under the bed a feature of your middling Mars? Find out!

1. Capricorn

As the most responsible, hardworking, disciplined among your stellar brethren, you’re likely to be a great and organised cleaner. Cleaning kit? Eco-friendly chemicals? Proper brush heads and appliance fixtures? Microfiber cloth — the right kind of microfiber? Check, check, and check all! You probably have a checklist, grid, and weekly cleaning plan on hand.

You know what it takes to maintain a clean and tidy home, and are ready to work hard and smart for it. However, things come up and the best cleaning plans go awry, so remember to be kind and flexible when you can’t get everything as neat and tidy as you’d like.

2. Aquarius

Independent and down-to-earth, you’re prepared to do the necessary cleaning to keep things nice and neat, and the helpful, humanitarian side of you would often compel you to clean for other people just out of fun. You have your own way to do things, and clean up nicely on your own schedule.

But don’t let that temperamental water in your sign make you beholden to your whims — emotional cleaning is cathartic, but not the best to do when you’re making a racket of vacuuming at 2 am because Riverdale made you all mopey.

3. Pisces

Whimsical and dreamy doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll neglect real-world cleaning. In fact, your bubbly, boundless energy only means you’re ready to make cleaning fun, and keep going at it because a neat environment means you get to indulge in your daydreams in carefree comfort.

You don’t really have a cleaning plan because you go with the flow — and the flow usually leads your duster to where it should be. But on the flipside, your whims might lead you away from responsibility and the dusting tedium, because fantasy is better than real life anyway.

Take care that you don’t get finagled into becoming someone’s personal (unpaid) cleaner. Your trusting personality wants to help, but you still need some of your own space and agency!

4. Aries

You can’t stand messy spaces, but you don’t want to take the time and energy to do all that sweeping and polishing and nasty scrubbing. Why not let the fire in your just… Burn everything away? Or just, you know, hire someone to do it?

Well, probably because you just know they won’t do it right, so you’re just paying someone to make you even more annoyed. Blame that on Mars. You’re likely to be an effective cleaner only because you’ll get so annoyed and use all that pent-up energy dusting and sweeping and decimating every stain in one day of productive, cleaning fury.

Technically, throwing out dirty clothes and shoving clutter under the bed is ‘tidying’, but resist the temptation to sweep things out of sight and out of mind.

5. Taurus

Reliable and practical — down-to-earth, you’d say — you know the value of keeping your house clean and make time to schedule it in. You’ll be organised and reasonable about cleaning, with a reliable method and approach to getting everything done on time and on point.

But only for yourself. You’re not likely to tolerate messy guests or family members, and expect them to clean up after themselves — and goodness if they even dare to mess up your clean and tidy space!

Then again, you can always extend your practical Taurus side to ‘help out’ friends, family, and roommates by maintaining a good cleaning schedule and delegating dusting tasks — this’ll leave you with a neat and tidy living space, and more time for that much-needed self-care that keeps you going.

6. Gemini

Geminis get flack for being a little flip-floppy and indecisive, but you’re pretty consistent and quick with keeping your home tidy. You enjoy keeping things clean and tidy and view it as having a little bit of me-time with the stuff you like and space you own.

However, your indecisiveness can get in the way of organised cleaning, and you might get overwhelmed by the things you need to dust or laundry you need to clear before getting into the groove. That TV show you’ve been meaning to watch suddenly becomes more exciting — and distracting. It’s best to do things in parts, one at a time, or get some friends over to help out.

7. Cancer

You have some tenacity going for you, and your homeliness means you’ll make sure to keep things clean and ship-shape. You’re the one keeping cleanliness in order, but maybe not so much of tidiness — the sentimentality in you means you’re likely to hoard a lot of old junk which turns into clutter. (But organised and stuffed in drawers and cupboards, which would probably serve you and your home better if cleared…)

So cleaning can become an overwhelming and emotional trap when you realise you have too many stuff to dust and too much junk you need to throw out, but maybe a little Marie Kondo and self-honesty can help you reorganise your clutter.

8. Leo

On your zeal to realise your ambition, cleanliness falls by the wayside. Who has time to mop and polish, when there’s so many things to get done and people to boss around? You’re also a true fashionista, and while arranging your power suits and lifting pumps is a waste of time you know you need to get some tidiness together to put your best self forward.

You do get cleaning done, usually, but only when you really need to. Your pride wouldn’t let you live in a dump, and may even prefer to get someone to do it for you. However, if you put your mind to take control of your cleaning — like everything else in life — you can keep a tidy house no problem at all.

9. Virgo

Ever the contradiction, Virgos have it two ways when it comes to keeping things clean. On the one hand, you can be meticulously clean and perfectionist, while on the other you need some mess to stay creative. Your need to have everything just right might overwhelm you and stop you from even trying to clean from the start!

Menial work bores you, but you need to keep a keen eye to make sure you get all the cleaning done and right. A structure or method to appeal to your practical side would help you tackle that cleaning task to your satisfaction.

10. Libra

Apparently, cleaning just isn’t your thing. It’s just something you’re famous for among the star signs. You do other things — maintaining relationships, solving problems, living life — just fine, but cleaning? Nope! Maybe it’s your strong drive to live life the way you want and buck social conventions of cleanliness, or a feature of wanting to avoid the daunting responsibility of vacuuming the floor.

In fact, you’re probably happier to let others do the cleaning for them, on their own time. Otherwise, you’ll have to strike a balance between your idealism and real-world need to clean up and look smart!

11. Scorpio

Passionate and intense doesn’t mean you’re passionate about keeping things tidy. But when you get to it because of your sense of responsibility and need to appear in control, you’re pretty practical and efficient and getting things neat. That or you’re just really, really good at hiding the dirty bits when company comes over!

You won’t be horribly messy — just the reasonable amount of dust and clutter. Organised spaces are just stifling, so you’ll have your own idea of ‘tidy’. But if your roommate or significant other annoys you, you know where to hide the prawn shells to make their lives miserable.

12. Sagittarius

Always on the go, you don’t really have a lot of time to think about keeping a clean home. Or you’re always zooming around that you don’t have time to mess up your tidy space in the first place! That or you tend to leave dirty dishes in the sink and let laundry pile up because, honestly, who has the time?

Chances are you’ll only clean when you run out of clean clothes

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